
Harcourt Religion- A Call to Faith

Unit 1: Peter, the First Pope
The Primacy of Peter
They Keys of the Kingdom
Virtual Tour of St. Peter's Basilica in Rome
Official Vatican Website

Work to do Monday and Tuesday:
Read through/visit all websites
Primacy of Peter- copy the quote "You are Peter, upon this rock I will build my Church" onto the paper
St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City Popup book- color and assemble the book. Write a paragraph about the basilica, including information about where it is located, why it is important, interesting facts, etc.

Unit 2: Holy Fathers: Past and Present
The Bishop of Rome
List of Popes
St. Pius X
St. Gregory the Great

Work to do Wednesday and Thursday:
Assemble Novena for the Pope book
Assemble and work on Some Important Popes book- write a short paragraph about each Pope. Include when they were born/died; where they were from; when they were Pope; what did they do during their papacy (or after) that was important; were they made a saint, and if so, when?

Work to do Wednesday 5/3:
Read the links below, and do your own research. Here are some questions to get you started:
  • Which Pope was the Pope the longest?
  • Which Pope was the Pope the shortest? 
  • What happened in 1978? 
  • What is meant by the infallibility of the Catholic Church?

Cut out Amazing Pope Facts books (4 total), and add 2 facts per mini book. Color if desired.

A few fun facts about popes
Infallibility of the Church

Unit 3: The Hierarchy of the Catholic Church

Work to do Thursday 5/4:
Watch this video of the start of the conclave (election of the pope).

The Conclave is now officially underway and the doors of the Sistine Chapel were closed off just moments after Msgr. Guido Marini announced the famous Latin phase: "Extra Omnes," which roughly translates to "Everyone Out!"
,Conclave Begins

Read the following:
The Hierarchy
Powers of the Pope

Watch this video
How to become pope

Create these mini books:
Hierarchy of the Catholic Church
What are the Chief Powers of the Pope?
What happens when a pope dies?

Unit 4: The Papal Elections

Read the following:
The Papal Elections
The Conclave

Create these mini books:
Selecting a new pope
Where does the conclave take place?
Where does the pope live?

Unit 5: Francis, Our Current Pope

Watch this Video
The Life of Pope Francis

Read the following:
Trifold on Pope Francis
Time For Kids Pope Francis
7 Fun Facts About Pope Francis
Meet Pope Francis

Create these mini books:
Habemus Papam Franciscum!
(Our New Holy Father- Talk about the papal election and Francis becoming Pope; Pope Francis' Coat of Arms- Draw and color his coat of arms or describe in detail with words; Favorite Quote- Write your favorite quote or two said by Francis; Interesting Facts- write interesting facts about Francis; Accomplishments as a Cardinal- Write about important things he did while a Cardinal, before becoming Pope)
Symbols and Garments
Important roles during the conclave

Who is Pope Francis?, Holy Father prayers, Symbols and Garments, Important roles during the conclave